Week Two: Tuesday

I recreated the graphs from yesterday of the fraction of charge neutralized by Cobalt and Sodium among others using data from both of the runs. Below are the separate graphs of the charge neutralized by the ions. 

I also began to run the other samples given to us with no sodium present in large or varying quantities and only cobalt was varied. Tomorrow I will run the samples again to verify the initial results. 

Week Two: Monday

I analyzed the data collected from my final run last week to determine the quality of the run based on the knowledge I have about how the concentrations of cobalt, sodium and phosphorus change with increasing sodium levels. Using the fact that each of the samples increased in sodium from 0 mM to 80 mM, I created Excel graphs to show the relationships between each of the ions and also how the system competitively behaves. I also determined the relative proportions of cobalt and sodium in solution and created a graph to show their congruence relative to the amount of phosphorus detected. This is shown in the graph below. 

The error bars are rather large so I will be adding a second run of the same samples to clean the graphs up. Today, Steve and I also had a group meeting with Prof. Andresen to discuss the current state of our experiments, mostly so each of us understand what the other is doing, and also discussed what we will be doing for the next two weeks. 

Settimana Due Giorno Uno

Oggi io ho letto molti documenti per il mio lavoro. In the morning I read up on optics, particularly relating to ccd cameras and camera focusing in general. A problem that we’ve encountered is that, while the focus from the back end of the objective in the setup may be infinity, we still need a way to resolve the picture so that it is in focus for the ccd camera. We need a lens, and a couple of other optics to get the setup to work properly.
I also began to document and review parts lists for other magnetic tweezers setups. I will begin comparing these groups’ parts lists to our own, and figure out which are necessary.
Around 3.30, the motor control board and the motor itself arrived. I began to play with the motor control board by connecting it to my laptop via usb. A green light came on flashing on the board, which is a good sign. After a little hassle, I believe that I have my laptop using the right driver for the control board. Hopefully my pc will now recognize the device.

Week One Day Four: The Chickie Buffer

After starting the ICP- OES, I created 5 mL samples including 50 uL of the samples provided that consist of DNA with 1 mM Cobalt2+ and varied amounts of Sodium+ ions dissolved in a solution of KCl and Tris. The samples had sodium amounts from 0 to 80 mM. The samples were run with the calibration of cobalt, sodium and phosphorus that were created previously. I had the chance to modify the method for this run from the method used yesterday. The ICP was then put on standby for Monday and I have several graphs to make on Monday based on the data from today’s run. Hopefully I can put a few of them in on Monday once they are completed.


I almost forgot to mention a revelation I had while Prof. Andresen was explaining the physics (mostly thermo) behind what we are attempting to do. For over ten years, studies have been undertaken to determine why, under certain conditions that I don’t remember exactly, DNA will attract another DNA even though they are both negatively charged. The Poisson- Boltzmann equation fits what is observed except for the attraction part. In lab, we are trying to evaluate what is causing this attraction. This leads to my revelation, Prof. Andresen explained this to me today and all I thought about was a scene in Chasing Liberty (a movie about the president’s daughter on an adventure in Europe) and the part where the president’s daughter was a “Chickie buffer (that) negates the potential for man-touching-man discomfort” so that the two guys in the movie could hug with her between them. So this summer, I am trying to find the chickie buffer!

Week 1 Day 4

Today I delved into some LabVIEW code that we will be using for our magnetic tweezers setup. We identified the sub VIs pertaining to motor control and basically figured out how they work. We also identified possibilities for future motor control.

Summer 2014: Magnets, DNA, and Fun!

Abby and Steve hard at work in our newly created student office!

The summer has begun with two great new students (and the same old professor). We have a couple of great projects going on this summer from building a new instrument from the ground up to continuing our quest to understand the physics behind DNA packing! (In fact they have gotten some posts in ahead of me below.)

From Pelta et al., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996

Abby Bull will be working on the DNA packing part of things. In particular she will be trying to understand the graph at the right. What this is showing is that as cobalthexammine (the chemical is not important, just know that it is a +3 ion) DNA clumps together (aggregates) and falls out of solution. This is surprising because relatively small amounts (~5mM from this graph) of CoHex can do this while there is no amount of +1 or +2 ions that you can add to do the same thing! It is something particular to +3 ions. (Those of you who are observant may also notice that something equally strange happens when you keep adding CoHex.)
Abby will be looking at “pellets” of DNA that are have been put in the state at the bottom of the “valley” in this graph. Ones that have condensed/aggregated/clumped together. Our collaborators at George Washington University have made these samples and then redissolved them in a different solution (in this case a highly concentrated KCl solution). They have made many of these samples, systematically changing the ratio of +3 ion (CoHex) to +1 ion (NaCl). Abby will be measuring the amount of +3 ion and +1 ion that was actually bound to the DNA when it was in its “clumpy” state. Using this, we hope to extract the physics, in particular the forces between DNA, that lead to this state. This is a follow-up on some work done previously by John Giannini in our lab that looked at the amount of +3 ions and +2 ions that were bound in the same state.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Steve Kenyon will be working on building a magnetic tweezers setup from scratch. What are magnetic
tweezers you may ask? In magnetic tweezers, one uses small (but strong!) permanent magnets (think refrigerator magnets on steroids) to pull on small magnetic beads that are attached to the object of interest. In our case we often are pulling on DNA or DNA with other proteins interacting with it. By carefully calibrating the machine one can measure exactly how long the molecule of interest is when you pull it with a certain force. By measuring how hard it is to pull the molecule straight, we learn something about the structure of that molecule before we started pulling on it. (Just like you can tell how tangled a telephone cord is by how hard it is to pull the cord straight.) (I know those of you who are younger out there may be wondering what a “telephone cord” is. Pleas ask your parents.)
This is a pretty involved project that will involve writing a lot of computer code in a funny computer language called Labview and doing a lot of interfacing of physical instruments, motors, and cameras with the computer and the program that is running it. All-in-all a great introduction into machine design!

So, I hope you will all enjoy our journey this summer with us and hopefully will be cheering us on as we race to get all of this done before classes begin!

Week 1 Days 1/2/3

Day 1

I began by familiarizing myself with the programming language LabVIEW. I had done a little bit of programming before this, mostly in MATLAB and java. LabVIEW is very different than these other languages, in that it is a graphical (visual) programming language. Instead of the code being written, it looks like a circuit diagram. LabVIEW has several advantages over traditional programming languages is that there is no real compiler. Errors also tend to be easy to find as the interface won’t even let you run the code if there is an error present, and shows you the error. I made several simple programs from a tutorial that introduced LabVIEW concepts. Such programs include one that determines whether or not to hire someone based on their grade, a conversion of a numbered grade to a letter grade, and a decision maker based on a machine’s running temperature.

Fig 1: This is an example of the decision maker program. The top shows the front panel of LabVIEW, which displays the output of the code. The bottom is the block diagram, the code itself. For an input temperature and current machine speed, the code determines if the machine is running too hot. If it is not running too hot, it allows the machine to speed up.

Day 2
I continued my familiarization with LabVIEW by writing several programs that created a sine signal and then applied noise to it. One program filtered the noise out and produced a filtered sine signal and displayed both the unfiltered and filtered signal for the user. Another allowed the user to create an rms form of the sine wave and displayed a table of the rms measurements for the user. I also created a program which allowed the user to save data and selected data points of peak to peak measurements of the filtered sine wave to a text file.
Fig 2: This program creates a sine signal and then adds noise to it. The unfiltered sine signal is displayed for the user graphically in the front panel. The signal is then filtered and displayed for the user. The code displays a warning signal to the user for peak to peak measurements of the filtered signal that are above a threshold. The user also has the option to press a button on the front panel that allows them to save certain data points to a text file.

Day 3

I read several papers on the principles and design of a magnetic tweezers (MT) experimental apparatus. I discovered that multiple methods exist for the tracking of the beads used in MT applications. I also familiarized myself with the physics behind MT.

Week One: Day Three

I started up the ICP with help from Prof. Andresen, including putting new tubing on the Peristaltic pump. I ran a calibration set for 50mL solutions comprising of 0-500ppb of Na, Co, and P for a total of six calibrations. These were also used as the samples. In the afternoon, I read through the software manual and then Prof. Andresen and I reprocessed the samples from the morning and reviewed the data.

Week 9

Last week and probably final post for the summer.  Finished that last trial and ran the samples 4 times, averaging.  Then ran the buffer and spin 8 again another 4 times and averaged them in.  Took standard deviation of the data points for my error.  Unfortunately the phosphorus count was very low, and the trend was not defined in the sodium.  But error bars were a little smaller and we were on the right track.

Next, I only had enough nucleosomes for 3 more samples.  So I made the second, third, and fifth sample a last time, spun in the cold room, ran the NCP, buffer, spin 8 and spin 7 many times and averaged them together.  This time the phosphorus count came out well, the trend was defined, and the error bars much MUCH smaller.  Certainly a good place to end for the summer.  Hopefully after Andresen makes more nucleosomes, I can run again in the fall and perfect the experiment, getting reproducible data again and again.  For now I can work on a poster for Celebration next spring, and in the future (maybe?) help get the data published?

Week 8 day 3

Today, I finished analyzing my data from the last two experiments I ran. My second experiment came out very weird, but the data from my first appeared good except for the sodium. Now I am going to run the experiment again to drive down my error bars. Today I made my NCP samples and spun them. I also made a new calibration set because I discovered that my previous data was not covered completely by the previous calibration. Tomorrow I will run the spectrometer and analyze this new data.