Week 7 Day 3

I analyzed all of my data from my experiment and I calculated the difference in Na, Mg, and P from the top of my samples vs. the bottom of my samples. The Mg and P have small differences in the samples with no MgCl(sample 1) and 50 mM MgCl(sample 4). They have much larger differences with 5(sample 2) and 10 mM MgCl(sample 3). The Na has an odd trend.

Here are the graphs of Sodium 589.592, Mg 279.553, and P 178.221. When finding the differences, I took the absolute value. The error bars are too small to be seen. The y axis has units of mM.

Week 7 Days 1/2/3

So far been a pretty slow week, but with good results 🙂  Monday I waited for the gas guys to come, then purged the instrument all afternoon.  In the evening I ran the samples from last week.

Tuesday I reviewed the data.  Unfortunately back when we made the samples the scale freaked out and started spitting out weird numbers, so I when I put those masses back into the analysis I got back all negative ion counts.  Obviously something went wrong there.  Fortunately the scale was fine when we made the buffer samples, and we don’t really care about the Spin 7/8 samples for the graph.  Plus I had enough nucleosomes left to make up another set of NCP samples to run.  So thats what I did.  I made the samples and we had enough argon left to run the spectrometer again.

Today I came in and reviewed the corrected data, and it looks beautiful!  Tiny error bars and the correct trend.  To bad Andresen isn’t here to (celebrate? can we do that yet?) and look over the data.  Here are the graphs though, what do you think?

Week 7 Day 1

Today I started on a new project. I started by making samples which will be finished tomorrow, then spun and ran in the spectrometer. I am going to be measuring the difference in NCP concentrations at the top of our solutions and the bottom of our solutions. The samples I made today consisted of 1 mM Trs, 10 mM NaCl, 0,0.5, 1, and 5 mM MgCl and 1 mg/ml of NCPs.

Week 6 Day 3 and 4

Wednesday we made up the samples and were going to run them, but we are out of gas.  Will have to wait to run till Monday or Tuesday.  Instead we made presentations to show andresen and started to write up Lab Instructions for my experiment.

Thursday we presented the presentations, got a little feedback, and Brian moved on to a new project.  I made up some calibration sets with Chloride and Bromine to determine whether the spectrometer can measure those elements.  Once again we do not have gas to run the spectrometer, so will have to wait to look at those sets until next week.

Week 6 Day 2

Today Brian and I continued with the next step of our experiment.  We took turns every ten minutes going into the cold room in the Science Center to do the spinning.  The experiment seems to have gone well.  We will know more tomorrow when we send the samples through the spectrometer.  We were also visited by Dan with questions as to why we were so bundled up on a hot summer day.

Week 6 Day 1

Back from break.  Just before we left, we found out that I added phosphorus to the samples and should not have because the nucleosomes already had them.  So this is what messed up our last run.  So today Brian and I remade the samples without the phosphorus.  After we spin them in the cold room tomorrow we will add the 1 ppm Co standard.  Then into the spectrometer on Wednesday!  Hopefully this run comes out perfect.

Here is a fun picture of our samples

Week 6 Day 1

After a week off, Lauren and I came in this afternoon to resume our experiments. We are planning on redoing our experiment from 2 weeks ago. Today we made samples with MgCl, NaCl and Trs. We did not include P. Adding P messed up our results last time. We are planning to spin the samples tomorrow and will run the samples on Wednesday in the spectrometer. To prepare for this, we also labeled and weighed tubes for tomorrow. We will keep the sample after Spin 7, Spin 8, and after we flip our filters.

Week 5 Day 4

This morning Brian and I made the diluted samples of the spin 7, spin 8, NCP, and Buffer.  Then we ran them in the spectrometer.  After lunch I analyzed the data.  Not really sure what I should conclude from it, but Andresen can help with that tomorrow morning.  Here are the graph’s I got, though.  Error bars are shown, but many of them are small enough that you can’t see them.  I do think it is a problem that we have such small counts in the magnesium, but the sodium seems fine.